Harry Crosby

I have been training for over 7 years and have been working in the industry as a coach for over 5 years.

I’m passionate about the fitness industry as I’ve always been a lover of sport and believe in the importance of physical health being directly correlated with mental health. 

 I specialise in training for performance, fat loss, muscle gain and strength gain. 

Transforming client’s physiques and improving their self efficacy had always felt like a huge achievement to me. My largest personal achievement has definitely been completing my Bachelor of Exercise Science throughout the pandemic. 

My ideal client is someone who is willing to give me the energy that I give them. I always give my clients 110% every session so if they can give it their all in the gym then I’m a happy coach. 

I’m passionate in helping any client achieve their fitness goals as I find it incredibly rewarding being able take them on their journey. I’m passionate about helping client’s who have that burning desire to make change as I can tell how much they want it.

Certificate III in Fitness

Certificate IV in Fitness

Punchfit Level 1 

Bachelor of Exercise Science (Sport Practice)

“If it doesn’t challenge you, it doesn’t change you.”


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